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1000M 4+1* Uplink+1* SFP POE Switch  Internal Power Supply

1000M 4+1* Uplink🧜+1* SFP POE Switch Internal 🐈Power Supply

POE (PowerOverEthernet) means that without any changes to the infrastructure of CAT5 or CAT6 network …


10/100/1000M 4* PoE Ports+1*Uplink  Port+1*1.25G Port  POE Switch  Internal Power Supply

10/100ไ/1000M 4* PoE Ports+1*Uplink Po𝓀rt+1*1.25G Port POE Switch Internal Power Supply

POE (PowerOverEthernet) means that without any changes to the infrastructure of CAT5 or CAT6 network …


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