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2-Channel Video Optical Transceiver

The TBC-SF2V-S20T/R series digital video optical transceiver has a full-featured all-digital video optical transmission equipment that can transmit 2-Channel high-quality (10Bit) uncompressed video information and 1-Channel control signal on one fiber at the same time, optional audio data switch volume . This product is convenient for field wiring, no need for any photoelectric adjustment; with power, optical and data loop instructions; optional standalone desktop installation and modular rack-mounted two structural forms. The TBC series digital optical products are mainly used for long-distance optical fiber transmission monitoring system, such as security monitoring, highways, electronic police, automation, intelligent community, customs, electricity, water, petroleum, chemical and many other fields.

  • Features
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  • Product Features

    10-bit digital encoding and uncompressed video transmission; support any high-resolution video signal;5Hz-10MHz video channel; automatically compatible with PAL, NTSC, SECAM video system ;

    With APC circuit, the output optical power is constant, the dynamic range is large;

    Use the process without downtime maintenance in the process of using, can be hot-swappable;

    The video quality is independent of the transmission distance within the allowable range of optical power;

    Support video, data, audio transmitted in parallel ,bidirectional / unidirectional optional;

    Gigabit fiber transmission, large capacity, easy to upgrade; 

    Power and other parameters status indicator LED can monitor the operation status of the system;

    Support any high resolution video signal; support video lossless regenerative relay;

    Support RS232/RS485/RS422 or Manchester code;

    Advanced adaptive technology, does not require on-site electrical or optical adjustment;

    Industrial mod🙈ular design makes the device reliable and flexible;

    ꦏCan automatically restore the overload protection; unique full bu𒀰ilt-in power supply design;

    Desktop, wall mounted, 19 inch 1U rack or 4U card insert; support for user customization.

  • Parameter

    Application environment: 

    security system, TV medical, high-fidelity video and video confer🎉ence call,ꦍ real-time monitoring and control system,

    intelligent traffic monitoring system (ITS), remote multimedia teach𒈔ing / campus monitoring, long-distance radio and

    television transmission system

    Optical characteristics:

    Optical interface: SC/FC/ST

    Wavelength: single mode 1310nm/1550nm multimode 850nm/1310nm

    Fiber; multimode, single mode;

    Transmission power transmission: -9dBm/-5dBm

    Transmission length: 0-100km;

    Receiving sensitivity: better than -36dBm

    Features: Can be customized according to user needs for different interface types.

    Video characteristics:

    Channel:2-Channel video

    Video interface form: BNC

    Signal system: PAL/NTSC/SECAM; nominal input/output level: 1Vp-p

    Video input/output impedance: 75(unbalanced)

    Video input/output voltage: 1Vp-p

    Video bandwidth: 8MHz

    Video sampling: 15MHz high speed sampling

    Differential gain:(10% -90% APL) DG<1% (typical)

    Differential phase:(10% -90% APL) DP<0.7o (typical)

    Video signal to noise ratio(weighted):S/N ≥ 70dB (maximum optical link loss)

    Color brightness delay difference of 10ns (typical)

    Color brightness gain difference: ± 10% (typical);

    Note: support forward, reverse, BIDI video.


    Ambient temperature: -30 ℃ ~ 75 ℃;

    Storage temperature: -40 ℃ ~ 85 ℃

    Relative humidity: 0 ~ 95% (non-Condensing);

    Size: Standalone (225mm*200mm*40mm)

    Size: Card (standard 4U centralized management rack)

    Rated supply voltage: AC220V / 50Hz;

    Bit error rate: ≤10-9

    Internal power consumption: 2.5 W;

    MTBF: ≥105 hours

    Optical Characteristics 

    fiber type/


    Fiber interface type

    Emission wavelength nm

    Transmit power dBm

    Receiver sensitivity dBm

    Light saturation dBm

    Optical loss dBm/km

    Transmission distance km

    Multi Mode















    Single Mode






















  • Size: Standalone (225mm*200mm*40mm)

    Size: Card (stan🐼dard 4U centralized management rack)

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