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Best Quality FE1 Fiber Optical Modem

🐠  The TBC-6101 series devices provide 1 E1 interface and 1 optical interface, can achieve interface conversion, rate conversion and E1 slot extraction between E1 and optical . In unframed mode, the user can utilize the data channel rate of 2.048Mbps. Equipment built-in loop test function, for the project opened and routine maintenance to facilitate.

  • Features
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  • 💫Ø Integrated circuit based on independent intellectual property rights;

    ꧑Ø It can be detected that when the optical signal is interrupted, it is the fault of the optical fiber line or the remote device, and is indicated by the indicator light;

    ♍Ø Support both adaptive 120Ω( balanced )and 75Ω( unbalanced )two kinds of impedance, no longer need to make settings;

    🌄Ø System through rigorous testing and practical verification, in full compliance with the ITU-T G.703, G.704 and other recommendations;

    ℱØ Hardware to achieve the choice of any one of 31 time slots (framing effective);

    💯Ø Provides three kinds of loopback functions: optical port local self-loop (ANA), E1 local self-loop (DIG), the command to the client E1 back to the local loopback;

    💮Ø Provide pseudo-random code test function (PATT), equivalent to built-in bit error detector, easy to open circuit test;

    ꦍØ Optional AC 220V, DC -48V, DC +24 V, DC power supply without positive and negative points;

  • Optical Interface

    Multimode fiber


    50/125μm or 62.5/125μm,

    Max. transmission distance: 5KM 62.5/125μm single-mode fiber, attenuation (3dbm/km)

    Wavelength: 820nm

    Transmit power: -12dBm (Min) ~ -9dBm (Max)

    Receiving sensitivity: -28dBm (Min)

    Link budget: 16dBm

    Single-mode fiber

    8/125μm, 9/125μm,

    ♋Max. transmission distance : 40KM (actually need to customize for greater distance)

    Transmission distance: 40KM @ 9/125μm𒉰 single-mode optical fiber, attenuation (0.35dbm/km)

    Wavelength: 1310nm

    Transmit power: -9dBm (Min) ~ -8dBm (Max)

    Receiving sensitivity: -27dBm (Min)

    Link budget: 18dBm

    Optical interface

    FC / SC  optional

    Optical code pattern


    Optical Module

    single or dual fiber optional

    suitable for optical fiber

    single mode 1310nm or multimode fiber optional

    Transmission distance

    ordinary 40km (up to 120km)

    E1 interface

    ౠEquipment E1 interfaces  in line with G.703 recommendations


     n * 64Kbps ± 50ppm




    🐎Unbalanced 75 / balanced 120 (unbalanced with coaxial interface adapter, adaptable to 75-2 / 3 coaxial cable)

    Jitter characteristics

    to meet the G.742, G.823 recommendations

    Input port allows attenuation

    0 ~ 6dBm

    Working environment

    Working temperature

    10°C ~ 50°C 

    Storage temperature

    -40°C ~ 80°C 

    Relative Humidity

    5%~95% (non-condensing)




    DC-48V  DC+24V

    Power consumption

    ≤ 5W



  • Dimension


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